Worldwide press for Oh Europa
A big driving force behind the Oh Europa project has been our desire to try and collectively re-think, or complicate or even re-write certain narratives around Europe and although its on the ground, meeting people on the road and face to face where we feel this project does its work its been heartening and a welcome surprise to see it filtering into mainstream mediated narratives too.
More than we ever could have hoped for when we first set off from Bristol on a rainy day in 2018 Oh Europa has captured the imagination of lots of people all over the world. We’ve been on BBC World Service, (more than once!) BBC 5 live and BBC radio 3 on Late Junction and had articles in The Guardian, The Independent and Positive News in the UK but all across Europe people have heard about what we’re doing and interviewed us. We’ve been on ZDF TV news in Germany, Good Morning Croatia TV show, and RTL in Croatia, DVHN TV in The Netherlands and Canal B in France, we’ve had articles published in Italy, Portugal, Spain and we’ve even been broadcast on a podcast for NPR in the U.S.
As a result the live streams of RadiOh Europa have been tuned into from countries including Bosnia, Finland, Macedonia, U.A.E, India, Canada, Czech Republic, Romania and many many more….
Hopefully over the long term this can only help the quieter voices and complex sentiments captured in the songs we’ve gathered resonate further and the feelings and emotional nuances of Europe’s citizens be heard beyond the noisy one-note rhetoric that pervades European discourse right now.